Tobacco Health Equity and Diverse Populations
TEAM Lab was invited to do a “Tobacco Health Equity and Diverse Populations” presentation for the Orange County Tobacco Education Coalition on September 10, 2013.
Below are the slides of the presentation and a Health Equity Resource page that we created. In addition, we included a cool video that describes the social determinants of health and highlights the importance of community and the role we each play in our community.
Tobacco Health Equity Diverse Populations Presentation Slides
Tobacco Health Equity Diverse Populations-26vcacu
Let’s Start a Conversation About Health…and Not Talk About Health Care at All (voice-over)
*The video was created for a Canadian audience, so some of the statistics don’t apply to the U.S., however, the main concepts of the video are very applicable and relevant to many communities in the U.S. For example, there is an association between income and health. Although it was made for a Canadian audience, it is a well-done video.