ChangeLab Solutions helps communities develop laws and policies to create lasting change, and offers many useful tobacco control products and services. An extensive collection of publications and legal tools is available on their website, including several resources on how communities can reduce youth access to tobacco products. For example, ChangeLab Solutions’ fact sheet, “Tobacco Retailer Licensing: An Effective Tool for Public Health,” explains tobacco retailer licensing and the basic elements of a strong tobacco retailer licensing law. They also have developed a Model Ordinance that contains all the essential elements for a local tobacco retailer license. A number of municipalities have relied on this model in creating their own ordinances.
Another fact sheet, “Policy Provisions for a Tobacco Retailer License,” explains additional policy options that municipalities can use to expand and strengthen their tobacco retailer licensing programs. Once a municipality has implemented a new tobacco retailer licensing program, it can use ChangeLab Solutions’ “Implementation Checklist for Tobacco Retailer Licensing” to help plan enforcement efforts.
ChangeLab Solutions has a lot of great resources for tobacco retailer licensing, so check them out. Access these tobacco retail products and more on ChangeLab Solutions’ website.