The Tobacco Education and Materials Lab (TEAM Lab) is pleased to present to you our first newsletter. TEAM Lab is funded by the California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP), CA Dept. Of Public Health to assist CTCP-funded programs in creating high-quality tobacco education materials and generate, test and help disseminate new materials; or revise existent good quality products. TEAM Lab is dedicated to providing technical assistance and training to CTCP-funded projects so that together, we can develop and improve educational materials tailored to reach key target audiences..
TEAM Lab is composed of a vibrant team of young professionals, in tune with the latest technology, as well as experienced tobacco control professionals. Together we are forging new directions, opening our doors to online innovation and emerging technologies in a fast paced and changing world; while maintaining, strengthening and enhancing valued proven approaches to educating our diverse communities on tobacco related issues. We strive to be on the cutting edge of technology and to disseminate this information to you in the Prop 99 tobacco control movement.
Here at TEAM Lab, we are dedicated to providing Local lead Agencies, competitive grantees, and statewide programs with all the support and training that we can provide in order to help organizations craft and optimize the use of their educational materials.
In this issue, we would like to take the opportunity to showcase the materials that CTCP-funded projects have submitted to TEAM Lab and been accepted into the TECC Fall Catalog. In particular we want to acknowledge, United Indian Health Services, Shasta County Health and Human Services, Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center, The California Heart Disease and Stroke Program, Glenn County Health and Human Services, and Vista Community Clinic for their innovations and inspirational ideas!
Periodically in this newsletter, we will highlight all the agencies and projects who have recently submitted tobacco education materials to us. This is our way of recognizing the projects that have dedicated their unyielding time and effort to developing evidence-based materials for use in the continued fight against tobacco!
Our newsletter will also introduce you to our Materials Review Committee (MRC) Members who work tirelessly to help us review and/or develop materials. Also, we will explain the materials submission and review process, and lastly include the highlights of our recent Social Media Pre-training Assessment.
We hope you enjoy this first issue of our newsletter and we look forward to supporting your continued efforts in the fight against tobacco.
Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Ph.D., MPH