A key step in making effective tobacco education materials is conducting adequate field testing with the intended audience. However, insufficient resources and time can hinder field testing, which can make all the difference in creating materials that are “spot on” and reach the target audience.. In some situations, a material may undergo only one round of field testing during the final stages of the material development. This may not be enough to ensure that the material is suitable. So, before field testing is conducted, what can you do to ensure that your material is suitable for the intended audience? No worries, we now have a tool that will help you analytically evaluate your materials, identify areas that need improvement, and can guide you on your determination whether the material is ready to be field tested. We are happy to share with you the Materials Review Score Card V2 and a 20-minute tutorial on how to use the scorecard. The scorecard was initially developed for our materials review committee (MRC) to systematically evaluate materials that go through the materials review process. This evaluation tool accounts for important factors such as content, literacy demand, graphics, layout & typography, learning stimulation & motivation, and cultural appropriateness. Although it was originally created for the MRC, we believe that this tool can be an immense help to agencies that are developing materials. Before you actually test materials with the intended audience, you can use this tool to analytically evaluate if your materials are designed to do what they were developed to do and it will help to identify areas that need improvement. This tool can potentially save you a lot of time and money conducting multiple rounds of field testing. So check out the 20-minute tutorial, download the scorecard and if you have any questions, or need technical assistance using the scorecard, please don’t hesitate to contact TEAM Lab’s Evaluator, Yaneth Rodriguez at ylr@usc.edu.