Message from the Director – Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, PhD, MPH
On behalf of everyone at TEAM Lab, I would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. Over the last several years, we have worked with many of you and your agency in many different capacities, from materials development, webinar trainings, answering your questions, and hearing about the various innovative and well proven activities you are planning and been engaged with in your communities. We are delighted you have participated in our webinars and used the resources available on our website. We have learned so much about the amazing work CTCP funded agencies are doing and we can’t help but feel excited about the next two years. We have received an extension to continue our collaboration with you, and we are thankful for the opportunity and hope we will continue to meet your needs. Our goal is to continue providing you and your agency with impeccable customer service, informative trainings, and useful materials.
TEAM Lab is fortunate to have many collaborating partners. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your time, efforts and expertise. We first want to recognize the experts that provided feedback to help improve each one of our varied products! In particular we want to thank the speakers in our webinars (names below), and our various formal advisory committees: The Materials Review Committee, our African American Tool Kit Advisory Committee, and our Casino Tool Kit Advisory Committee (named below). We could not have done it without you!
Webinar speakers
Michael Villaire
Nora Manzanilla
Tess Cruz
Amelia Silbert-Geiger
Jena Sussex
Material Review Committee Members
Christopher Anderson
Kimberly Bankston-Lee
DeAnne Blankenship
Narinder Dhaliwal
Pat Etem (Chair)
Marlene Gomez
Colleen Haydon
Evi Hernandez
Viki Ornelas
African American Toolkit Committee Members
Carol McGruder
Julie Waters
Audrey Smith
Pat Etem
Steven Henderson
Casino Toolkit Committee
Evi Hernandez
Narinder Dhaliwal
Char Day
Claradina Soto
A special thanks to Eugenio Garcia, Andrea Valdez, and Shirley Shelton at CTCP.
All of you, Thank YOU!
TEAM LAB staff
Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati
Carol Koprowski
Tess Cruz
Jennifer Unger
Darrah Goo Kuratani
Yaneth Rodriguez
Christine Ricohermoso
Rosa Barahona
Crystal Kynard-Amerson
Chantel Ponder
CTCP PC: Eugenio Garcia