Based on TEAM Lab’s 2011 Needs Assessment findings, we know that 51% of the 111 survey respondents answered “probably” or “definitely will” when asked if they will use social network sites such as Facebook or Twitter. We also learned from a social media pre-training assessment we administered in March 2011, that people want to learn more about best practices for using social media. That is why we wanted to help spread the word about the Social Media Guidelines that CTCP just recently posted on Partners during the week of 6/9/2011 (you can find a link to the guidelines below). This is a great resource. These guidelines can help you use social media effectively to educate and inform your local communities on tobacco control activities. Social media is fast moving, it requires your messages to be engaging to quickly capture your audience. Some of the basic points made were to post succinct and direct messages regularly, and to quickly respond to questions and comments. Other tips provided are links to outside resources (such as another website, or your own website) and to use short internet addresses. A very important note made is to remember to tailor your message to the audience that you are speaking to. Take a look!
Click here to view these guidelines: CTCP Social Media Guidelines
Don’t forget if you need additional resources, training, and/or technical assistance on social media, you can contact our friend Amelia Silbert-Geiger with the California Youth Advocacy Network at (916) 339-3424 x23 or at