Tobacco retailers play an important role in protecting our youth from tobacco use and nicotine addiction. Retailers can help keep tobacco products out of the hands of our youth by complying with federal and state tobacco regulations. Tools exist to help inform and guide retailers on how to do so.
“Breaking the Chain” is an educational campaign created by the FDA that provides these tools to help retailers learn about tobacco regulations and comply with them.
To help raise awareness of federal tobacco product regulations, free toolkits, posters, and flyers are available for use. You can order or download for free several types of materials through the FDA Center for Tobacco Products Clearinghouse.
The FDA has also made it quick and easy to obtain up-to-date tobacco news through digital communication tools. You can learn about the latest federal tobacco regulations through their weekly emails, text messages, RSS feeds, Twitter, Widgets, Podcasts, among many other options.
All of these digital communication tools are available at the FDA website.
Additionally, the FDA educates and trains retailers on how to comply with tobacco regulations through webinars. Each webinar includes a Q&A session for participants with inquiries.
Webinars are accessible at the FDA website.
There are multiple resources and tools available, so take advantage of these educational materials and share them with your local retailers.